Best Stain Removal Bleach in Nigeria

There are couple of stain remover bleach available in Nigeria market, however, finding the best bleach detergent for removing stains can be tasky.

Stain in clothes especially white clothes can be embarrassing, frustrating and makes one uncomfortable.

Sometimes, our best wears especially clothes gets stained which affects the aesthetics and overall outlook of the clothes.

Not all have the financial ability to replace stained clothes especially white coloured clothes.

This is why bleach and white stain remover detergents are very useful and in high demand. This article will review the best stain removers for white clothes and coloured clothes in Nigeria.

These are some of the most effective stain removals detergents in Nigeria that is very powerful and strong in removing stains on clothes.

Nigeria’s Most Effective & Best Stain Removal

The stain removal detergents to be listed in this post are mostly best bleach for removing stains on white clothes.

When applied in coloured clothes, it can alter and bleach it’s colours. Nevertheless, these best stain removal in Nigeria can be used on other coloured clothes but would have to be diluted with water and other detergents and washing soaps.

Here is list of top best bleach and detergents for removing resisting stains on white clothes.

JIK Stain Remover

JIK is Nigeria’s most popular stain remover. The bleach is renowned for removing stains of high magnitude seamlessly.

It is also easily available in market and across Nigeria. JIK, comes in different models and flavours for different kinds of stain removing.

Also, this best Nigeria stain remover comes in different container sizes and quantity. The question of can JIK detergent be used to remove stain on coloured clothes is answered in affairmative.

There is a model and type of JIK the is specifically produced for stain removal on coloured clothes. It is one of the widely acknowledged best stain removal in Nigeria.


This is another very effective stain remover in Nigeria for white clothes and wears.Hypo can be used to remove stains on clothes, shoes,caps and other wears.

They are one of the cheapest best stain remover in Nigeria . Hypo bleach for removing stains comes in both plastic containers and sachets.

Hypo is best used for removing stains on white wears, nevertheless, some people use it on coloured clothes after it has been diffused and diluted with water and detergents.

OMO Bleach Stain Remover

OMO bleach is stain remover from renowned detergent company,OMO. This stain remover is a multi-purpose stain removal active.

It can be used to clean apartment and fight germs as well. This is very effective stain removal agents for white clothes in Nigeria.

Tide Bleach Stain Remover

Tide is also another bleach that is very effective and powerful for removing stains on clothes.

Tide comes in different types which can be used on different types of wears such as white and coloured wears.


Clorox is also one of our recommended stain removal active. The liquid stain removal detergent comes in different sizes and in plastic containers.

Each version of the stain removal is produced for specific type of wears such as all white wears and coloured wears. It is one of the best stain removing bleach detergents in Nigeria.

Sunshine Power Bleach

Sunshine power bleach is considered one of the best bleach and washing active for removing strong stains.

It comes in both container packs and 75ml sachets. It is most effective for removing audacious stains on white wears which cannot be removed by soaps and other detergents.


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