Cost of Blocks in Nigeria (2025)

Current Price of Building Blocks in Nigeria

In Nigeria, cement blocks is an Integral material for building constructions.

Cost of Blocks in Nigeria

As the name implies, cement blocks are building blocks formed out of fussion of cements, sand and water.

It is a very important building material in Nigeria,hence we will be discuss building blocks prices in Nigeria.

Most buildings and house constructions in Nigeria are made of cement blocks.

This makes block very important and highly sought-after building materials in Nigeria.

Despite the facts that few people in Nigeria use bricks for house constructions, blocks have become dominant in Nigeria’s construction and engineering scene.

While some persons are of preference to make their own blocks through engagement of block molders, many Nigerians for some reasons especially, time saving, prefer to purchase and buy already made blocks for their various construction projects.

This leads us to the major focus of the article which is how much is the price of 6 inches building blocks sold in Nigeria currently.

This post, will come very handy especially for those who are planning for projects and have intension of buying cement blocks in Nigeria.

On average, the cost of blocks in Nigeria ranges between N220 to N270 per block depending on the type of block and size.

In this post will discuss the price of different sizes and types of cement blocks in Nigeria.

The price of building blocks in Nigeria is largely decided by how expensive sand and cement are at each point in time.

This is so because these are two major components for making of building blocks in Nigeria.

Cement Blocks Types in Nigeria

There are two major and popular type of cement blocks in Nigeria.

They are also, the most used blocks for building construction in Nigeria.

These are the major type of building blocks in Nigeria:

Solid Blocks

Hollow Blocks

Concrete Blocks Prices: How Much is The Cost of Cement Blocks in Nigeria

The current price of blocks in Nigeria has moved up a bit.

This is because of significant increase in the price of cement in Nigeria.

Due to Nigeria building construction system, only 6 and 9 inches blocks are mostly used in building construction in Nigeria.

Hence most cement blocks in Nigeria are either 6 or 9 inches in size.

This is aside fancy blocks. We will be providing the cost of different inches of blocks below.

Cost of 9 Inches Blocks in Nigeria

The current price and cost of 9 inches hollow block is between N250 to N270 depending on your location in Nigeria.

The 9 inches building block comes in hollow blocks.

There is hardly 9 inches for solid block in Nigeria.

It is not used in Nigeria system of building construction.

This is the current price of 9 inches block in Nigeria.

Cost of 6 Inches Blocks in Nigeria

The price of 6 inches blocks in Nigeria depends on the type of block.

Usually, solid blocks are more expensive than hollow blocks.

The current price of 6 inches solid blocks is between N230 to N240 per block.

This is as the cost of 6 inches building hollow blocks ranges between N220 to N225 per block and depending on your location.

Cost of Moulding Blocks Vs Cost of Buying Blocks in Nigeria

Buying of blocks or moulding blocks which one is cheaper?.

This is a question frequently asked especially by those about to embark on construction projects.

From our findings after a rigorous research, we observed that it is cheaper to mould blocks than to buy them.

However, it takes time to mould high quantities of blocks needed for entire construction projects.

Buying of block, though expensive but saves time and accelerate the project.

A bag of 50kg cement with combination of sand and water can produce 35 pieces of building blocks.

This is considerably cheap compared to buying the already made blocks.

So it is cheaper to mould blocks than to buy building blocks.

Also, in moulding blocks, you as the owner can determine the quality of the block and type of materials to be used.

Nevertheless, for emergency projects and projects trying to beat time, buying of blocks is a good option.

An experiment shows that it cost an average of N100,000 to mould 1050 cement blocks while same quantity of block an be bought at an average of N150,000.


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