Cost of Overhead Water Tank Construction in Nigeria (2025)

In this article, we will be doing an estimated budget of overhead water tank stand construction in Nigeria.

Cost of overhead water tank construction

Overhead water stand in Nigeria one of the most popular way of circulating water all-round the house.

This involves building a concrete or steel stand high above the house level upon which water tanks are stationed at.

Overhead water tanks in Nigeria are either concrete built or steel built.

For aesthetics, longevity and utilisation of spaces, currently,steel overhead water tank construction is the most prevalent in Nigeria.

Most overhead water tanks being built in Nigeria currently are iron steel overhead water tank.

This is why we decided to carry out a research to ascertain the cost of constructing steel overhead water tank in Nigeria currently.

The estimated cost and how much that can be used to build overhead water tank in Nigeria is largely determined by numerous factors.

The type of house and the height of a house goes a long way in determining the costs of overhead tank in Nigeria.

On average, the cost of overhead tank for a bungalow house is between N380,000 to N500,000.

The average cost of building of overhead tank for upstairs or duplex in Nigeria is over N1,350,000.

However, certain perculiarities decides individual cost of overhead water tank construction in Nigeria.

Some overhead water tanks can be placed on top of a bathroom deck and it can still serve same purpose. Find out how much it cost to do overhead tank in Nigeria in this blog post.

Factors That Play On Cost of Overhead Water Tank Construction in Nigeria

Below are factors and what decides how much it costs to construct overhead water tanks in Nigeria.

The Location

The topography or shape of landmass determines what can be spend to get overhead water tank built in Nigeria.

Land that is water-logged or hilly can demand that more concrete casting with bigger rods are done underground to guarantee longevity and safety of the overhead tank and this can make one spend more than the estimated budget of overhead water tank in Nigeria.

The Size & Height

The Size and height of water tank also determines how much that can be spent when building overhead water tank stand.

Overhead tank for bungalow houses is also cheaper to build or construct because it does not go very high unlike the those for upstairs and duplexes.

When building overhead water tank for upstairs and duplexes, more iron steel and stronger foundation base with concrete casting are done.

This is because this type of overhead water tank Will be required to go high up and be higher than the building.

Hence, it will require more material and longer hours of construction.

So ,this will also determine how much one pays for construction iron overhead water tank in Nigeria.

Number of Layers or Tanks

The number of layers or tanks expected to be hanged on the overhead water tank stand also affects the price of overhead tank construction in Nigeria.

Overhead water tank of 3 or 4 layers will definitely costs more than those of 2 layers. In otherwords, the cost of overhead tank of 4 or 5 water tanks will be more expensive than those overhead tank built to accommodate 2 or 3 water tanks.

Quality of Steel

Another factor to look out for when constructing water tank stand in Nigeria is the quality of iron steel to be used.

Top and strong quality iron steel will mean paying more money to be used to build steel overhead water tank in Nigeria.

Employed Engineers

The expertise of those hired to engage in overhead water tank construction can either shoot up the price of overhead tank construction or keep it at low cost.

So, people and wielding engineers will charge differently to construct and built overhead tank in Nigeria.

So,all these are some of the factors to be put into cognizance when embarking or seeking to finding the cost of constructing overhead water tank.

Overhead Water Tank Stand Construction Cost in Nigeria

There is no specific price or cost for overhead water tank construction in Nigeria.

However there can be an estimated cost of overhead tank which is the essence of this post.

On average, overhead water tank cost for bungalow house can gulf around N500,000.

This is just as overhead water tank for duplex, can be done with budget of about N1,400,000.

This is much we can take for now on the cost of constructing overhead water tank in Nigeria currently.


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