Courses You Can Study Without English In Nigeria University?

Can I Get Admission Without English Language in Nigerian University

This article was necessitated by some misleading articles online listing courses that can be studied without English in Nigeria universities.

Courses you can study without English language

English language is the official Nigerian language. It is the only language spoken and taught across Nigeria.

To underscore the importance of English in Nigeria educational system, it is compulsory that students must make at least a credit in the subject before they can be promoted or adjudged to have passed an examination.

It doesn’t stop there, failure to pass English language subject can be very detrimental for future of a student in Nigeria.

Those students in most cases end up resitting for the examination.

Critics have continued to register divided opinions over Nigeria educational system hard stand on English language as against Nigeria different native languages.

Most Nigerian students who are seeking admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria constantly ask certain question concerning English language as subject required for admission into Nigerian universities. Some of these include :

Can I Gain Admission into University Without Passing English Language.

Can I Gain Admission into University with D7 or E8 in English.

What Courses Can I study Without Passing English in Nigeria.

These questions are some of the most sought after by some Nigerian students seeking admission into Nigeria universities.

Worried by some online publications where different courses are listed as courses you can study without English language in Nigeria we decided to come up with this post.

English Language is one of the two major compulsory courses for offer of admission into Nigeria universities.

Every student seeking for admission into Nigerian university or tertiary institution must make atleast credit in English Language in their O’Level examination.

The importance of English language in Nigeria education is further highlighted in JAMB, an examination in preparation for tertiary education.

English is the only compulsory subject in JAMB /UTME examination. This puts to bed all these questions about English Language as requirements for admission into Nigerian universities.

Can I Get Admission With D7 or E8 in English 

The JAMB/UTME admission requirements is very simple and understandable.

To be said to have passed English, students must make either credit or distinction in the subject. D7 or E8 in English are considered not good enough and is so rated as F9.

No Nigerian university will offer a student who made D7 or E8 in English Language an admission.

So, students should be guided and work hard to clear their papers especially on compulsory subjects like English and Mathematics.

These are the only two compulsory subjects for admission Nigeria universities.

End Note

Students should strive to make atleast a credit in English Language in their O level examinations.

No students in Nigeria can get admission into university with D7 or E8 in English Language. So, these underscores the importance of the subject in pursuit of university education in Nigeria.

Any article or publication telling you that you can study whatever course without English is misleading and should be disregarded.


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