Electricity Power Transformer Prices in Nigeria (2025)

This article will review the prices of different KVA electricity transformers in Nigeria to find out how much power transformers costs in Nigeria.

Price of power transformers in Nigeria

Power transformers is an electrical device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping down) the voltage.

Basically what electricity transformers does is step-up or step-down the voltage from the primary to the secondary windings.

So, power transformers help to step up or step down current to be suitable for domestic use or secondary use.

Hence power transformers are found across communities and neighborhood which are used for electrification and enhance current suitability for domestic uses.

Electricity transformers are not  common electrical appliance, hence the price of transformers in Nigeria is not cheap.

However, power transformers just like most electrical devices are subject to breakdowns, damage or faults.

The damage or breakdown of power transformer can be as result of multiple factors.

When power transformers are damaged beyond repair, installation of new transformers are done.

Also, electrification of new neighborhood or community will also demand for installation of new power transformers.

Moreso, over loading of an existing power transformers can lead to purchase and installation of more power transformers.

Electricity cannot be used for domestic purposes and for basic devices such as TV, hotplates, freezers without power transformers installation.

This goes a long way to highlight the importance of power transformers in electrification process.

The Nigeria’s electricity system which is vested on government/private partnership has left purchase and installation of power transformer in the hands of power consumers.

This is why majority of power transformer in Nigeria are privately owned and procured.

This leads us to the big question of how much is the cost of power transformers in Nigeria?.

In this article, the prices of electricity transformers will be highlighted. We will be looking at different electricity transformer capacity and their prices in Nigeria.

Cost of Power Transformers in Nigeria

Every now and then in Nigeria, power consumers engage in purchase of power transformers either to replace a faulty one or for new electrification project.

The price of electricity transformers in Nigeria is according to its capacity which is measured in KVA.

So, the higher the KVA capacity of a power transformer, the most likely it will come with higher prices too.

Also, the current prices of power transformers in Nigeria will be affected by locations and dealers.

Some locations in the country like Lagos, Abuja,Port Harcourt, Onitsha,Enugu and Kano are most likely to sell power transformers at a cheaper price and rate when compared to some other parts of Nigeria.

However, what we will put together in this post is the average prices for different transformer KVA capacities in Nigeria.

The prices of power transformers to be reviewed in this article is 100% copper transformers.

Most transformers in Nigeria are either 11/0.415 kilovolt or 33/0.415 kilovolt

11/0.415kv Transformers

These are transformers used mainly in residential areas. It is the type of transformers that is used to distribute power to buildings and residence. It makes electricity distribution suitable for domestic use.

33/0.415kv Transformers

These are power transformers of high voltage capacity which are used at small power sub-stations to step down or step up power distribution within an area.

In most cases, this types of transformers are procured by the Power distribution companies in Nigeria.

So, the most type of power transformers that are purchased by individuals in Nigeria for private used is the 11/0.415kv transformers.

Nevertheless,this post will discuss the price of all these types of power transformers in Nigeria.

Prices of 11/0.415kv Transformers in Nigeria

Below is the price of different 11/415kv power transformer capacities in Nigeria.

  • 50KVA 11/0.415KV = N1.1M
  • 100KVA 11/0.415KV = N1.7M
  • 200KVA 11/0.415KV = N2.5M
  • 300KVA 11/0.415KV = N3.5M
  • 500KVA 11/0.415KV = N4.8M

Prices of 33/0.415kv Transformers in Nigeria

Here is the prices of 33kv power transformers of different capacities in Nigeria.

  • 100KVA 33/0.415KV = N1.9M
  • 200KVA 33/0.415KV = N2.8M
  • 300KVA 33/0.415KV = N3.9M
  • 500KVA 33/0.415KV = N5M

Table Showing Prices of Best Electricity Transformers in Nigeria

Below is table showing how much the price of different electricity transformer capacity is sold across Nigeria.

Transformer          Min price(₦)                   Max price(₦)
Electricity Power Transformer 50KVA             4,500,000.00                4,700,000.00
Electricity Power Transformer 100KVA             5,200,000.00                5,400,000.00
Electricity Power Transformer 200KVA             6,600,000.00                6,900,000.00
Electricity Power Transformer 300KVA              8,100,000.00                8,500,000.00
Electricity Power Transformer 500KVA              9,600,000.00                9,900,000.00



15 thoughts on “Electricity Power Transformer Prices in Nigeria (2025)”

  1. Please kindly give me information about 200kva transfer that is very good on 33 and the best price urgent needed in Abeokuta Ogun state my phone is 07069605572


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