How To Start Private Security Company in Nigeria

If you are interested in creating a private security company in Nigeria, you should know that private security is a sector that is becoming more and more popular in society. This article will focus on how to start private security company in Nigeria.

How to start private security companies in nigeria

It takes certain requirements and processes to float a private security company in Nigeria.

Insecurity is a big issue in Nigeria as the country battles lots of insecurity challenges.

Major security agencies like army and police in Nigeria are overstretched and finding it tasky to provide much needed security across board in Nigeria.

This vacuum has given rise to multiple creation and operation of private security companies in Nigeria.

These companies work to complement the efforts of traditional security agencies like the police, army, NSCDC.

This type of company can be dedicated to monitoring and protecting assets, places, establishments and events, both public and private, in addition to watching over the people who are in them.

Also, a company of this type can also be dedicated to accompanying, defending and protecting certain persons, such as authorities, public figures or businessmen.

Likewise, they can ensure the deposit, custody, counting and classification of objects and works of value.

Learn how to get licence for private security company in Nigeria through reading this post.

This article will provide you with an update on how to create a security company in Nigeria and the steps you must follow to make it viable.

Requirements for Starting Private Security Company / Firm in Nigeria

Below is a well taught out steps on how to obtain private security company license in Nigeria and set up your own private security company in Nigeria.

Create a Business Plan

This is the bedrock and the most important step in any business. Private security company is a business and public service as well.

This plan should consist of your aims and objectives your company, your vision and mission, the mode of operation and who would your company render services to.

All of this must be sketched and ironed out before any other step can be taken.

Get License

Security is a very delicate matter, and no one would be employing an uncertified company, especially when security is involved.

You need to seek authorities responsible for licensing private security companies to sort that.

And once you have achieved that, you are almost done.

This type of organization belongs to the limited liability company , to register your organization, you’ll need to meet the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria to obtain certificate of incorporation.

Also, after registering your firm, you must obtain a working permit/license from the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC).

The NSCDC in Nigeria is charged with authorizing and issuing license to every private security firm to be established.

This is in accordance with the NSCDC constitution Act No. 2 of 2003 and the Amendment Act of 2007.

It is necessary that you provide the enlisted document to process your license for private security company:

  • Statement of Account
  • Letter of attestation
  • Letter from a legal adviser
  • Proposed salary structure
  • Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Photocopies of certificates of incorporation
  • Proposed training programme
  • Salary structure
  • Certificate of incorporation from CAC
  • Memorandum and article of association of the company
  • Payment of N500,000 etc.

Get Trained

Training is no doubt a fundamental requirement for success in this industry.

It is necessary for you to acquire technical knowledge on how to provide quality security services to the clients that’ll hire you.

Also, you can create trainings where you train others to become experts at private security.

Also, you can enroll for privately created trainings by private firms or government trainings to enhance your skill in the technical aspects and also in handling equipment such as gun, CCTV cameras, wireless radio etc.

It is also necessary that you keep up with updates in this industry, to have and edge over your liable competitors in the field.

Choose your Service Type

Security services cover a wide range, you’ll need to specify the areas your services would offer protection and make sure it is clearly specified in your company’s brochure.

Service area to choose include business security, patrol services, event security, body guard services and many more.


Your company must be situated in place very open to people to see.

The location must also be conducive for administrative purposes, and pleasant to clients.

The location must be chosen strategically and should be thought through carefully and as your capital grows you can extend branches to other states in the country.

Also, it is necessary that you create a functional website that would give you access to a larger audience, hence you have more potential customers.

Hire Qualified Personnel

You cannot handle a security company singlehandedly, there is the need to hire experienced and trained individual would join in rendering the security services.

At this point, while employing new personnel, you must be security conscious because of your company’s reputation.

A series of background check must be done to ensure that they are crime free and truly eligible for the job.

Get Equipment

It is necessary that you acquire the right equipment to help you deliver quality and amazing services.

Equipments like walkie talkie, digital cameras, batons etc.

Also, a constant equipment welfare check and upgrade should be engaged, to help ensure the constant functionality of these equipments used at your firm.

Advertise your Services

This can be done one to one or online. There are a lot of people seeking professional services provided by security companies.

So, do not hesitate to create advertisements for your company.

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