How to Make Money from Comedy Skits in Nigeria

This article is a detailed processes and ways of making money from comedy skits especially on Facebook and YouTube.

How comedians make money on Facebook in Nigeria

Comedy skits makers in Nigeria have utilized Facebook and other social media platforms to generate revenue and make money in foreign currency.

The sudden rise in number of comedy skit makers and online audio-visual content developers is without a reason.

Facebook monetization has gingered many young and adult Nigerians into audio visual content creation of which comedy skits is the is the highest of them all.

Apart from comedy skits, other video contents creators like life coaches, motivational speakers, online tutors also make money on Facebook.

Forget the flaunting of wealth by already successful comedy skits makers and content developers, it is a herculean tasks to make money from comedy skits especially from social media such as Facebook.

The competition is very high and enormous, hence only creativity, consistency and good strategy can stand you out to be able to make money from comedy skits in Nigeria.

Facebook no doubt is the most used social media platform in Nigeria.

An unverified studies in one of Nigeria’s university put the number of Nigeria active Facebook users at over 55 million.

This is why most Nigeria comedy skits makers and content developers targets Nigeria’s Facebook audience.

Now, it is important that we point this out for those who may not be in the know.

Most comedy skits makers in Nigeria do not make bulk of their money from Facebook Ad network ( Facebook adverts).

Majority of comedy skits makers in Nigeria rely heavily on revenues generated through  personal promotion, endorsements and adverts.

In this article, how comedy skits makers in Nigeria make money on Facebook will be discussed.

Also,this is not just limited to comedy skits makers but other audio-vidual online content and video creators.

In this post, you will discover how much Facebook pay comedians and comedy skits makers as well as other Facebook content creators.

It is important to note that not only comedy skits makers can make money online or on Facebook.

Other persons with Facebook pages of good quality contents can also make money in Nigeria through Facebook Ad network monetization.

Here is a review of how to make money with comedy on Facebook and how much comedians make on Facebook.

How Comedy Skits Makers in Nigeria Make Money

There are many ways to make money in Nigeria as a comedy skits makers.

Some of the ways of making money in Nigeria through comedy skits will be discussed below.

Facebook Audience Network

Does Facebook pay comedy video and skit owners and producers in Nigeria?

The answer is yes but such Facebook content creator must meet certain Facebook monetization policy for Nigeria Facebook monetization.

This is the major way and how comedians make money (dollars) on Facebook.

Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms.

This has attracted advertisers to the social media platform.

Like Google, Facebook is open to partners who can bring in quality content to the social media users like comedy skits, educational contents, relationship contents etc.

Once these contents meets up with Facebook content policy and able attract required audience, then page on which the content is broadcasted will be monetized.

By this,ads will starting running on the contents broadcasted on those pages and the owners of those pages will start earning money in dollars depending on the performance of the contents.

This is how comedy skits makers make money in dollars on Facebook.

Also, it is this same method that others video creators on Facebook make money like Blessing CEO, Zeus 101 and others.

Personal Brand Promotion

Having a huge fan base on social media like Facebook is another way comedy skits makers and comedy videos makers make money in Nigeria.

One of the gains that come with good video content is fame and fan base.

When you have this features, you surely will smile to the bank.

Another way comedy videos makers make money is through marketing products on their page to their followers or even announcing a birthday event or wedding events.

They do this for a specific amount which is at the discretion of the content creator and Facebook page owner.

Attendance & Appearance on Shows/Events

This is also another way comedians make money in Nigeria.

Most online comedians and contents skit makers engage in offline roles of attending and hosting shows, weddings, funerals etc.

It is another ways comedy video makers make money in Nigeria.

Endorsement of Products & Service

This is another revenue channel for comedy skits makers and video creators.

Oftentimes, you see comedian endorsement some, products,services,real estate, investments etc.

These endorsements aren’t done free of charge. They are charged for and paid for too.

It is a major way online comdey skit makers make money in Nigeria.

Events Announcements

This is another porpular way comdey skits makers make money in Nigeria.

People want their birthdays, wedding events announced by top and favourite comedians.

This is why you find many of them into that. Well, apart from very few events announcements which the comedian might do freely for the sake of PR and those involved, others are charged and paid for.

It is another avenue comedy skits makers make money in Nigeria.

How Much Does Facebook Pay (Comedians) Comedy Skits Makers in Nigeria

How much Facebook pay content creators like comedians in Nigeria is based on their traffic and type of adverts on display.

In other words, the higher the number of view,the higher revenue.

Also, ads with bigger revenue will surely add to the earnings and how much Facebook pay comedians and others content creators on Facebook in Nigeria.

This is how comedians like Brother Shaggi, Sabinus, Uncle SP and other comedians make money especially on Facebook.

It is also through this same way that Facebook pay money to other Facebook video creators in Nigeria.

Types of Videos or Contents That Can Be Used to Make Money Online

Despite the fact that comedy videos is the most popular type of video used in making money on Facebook, there are numerous other videos that can be used to make money on Facebook.

Some of the best videos and contents for making money online includes:

  • Comedy Videos
  • Life Coach Videos
  • Motivational  Speech Videos
  • Tutorials Videos
  • Live Events Videos

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