Osun State Population (2025)

Population of Osun State

In this article, we will focus on finding the current population of Osun state.

Osun state population

This is an information that will be beneficial to students, NGOs, government agencies and general public.

Population of Osun state is among the largest in southern Nigeria.

Osun state is one of the most populated southern Nigeria states.

Osun state is a Nigerian state dominated predominantly by Yourbas and Muslims.

It is one of the six southwest states in Nigeria.

The number of persons living in Osogbo and entire Osun state is what this article will provide to our readers.

The true population of Osun state is hard to come by. This is because of inconsistency in population census in Nigeria.

This leaves most population figures in Nigeria on estimations and projections including Osun population.

However, in a bid to ascertain the actual population of Osun state, population projection index and estimations were employed.

So, in this post we will revealing what the current population of Osun state is.

Official Population of Osun State

The official known population figure of Osun State was in the year 2011.

At that time, Osun State population figure was put at 4,009,800.

This represent 2.448% of entire Nigeria population.

Between the year 2006 and 2011, Osun state population growth rate was pegged at 3.25% per annum.

Also, between the year 1991 to 2006, Osun State population growth rate was put at 3.11% per year.

As result of inability by Nigeria Population Commission to carryout a credible census within the last 10 years, most population figures in Nigeria are based on estimations and projections.

If the current Osun State population growth rate were to be same or near same as those of between 2006 to 2011, this will leave the state with an increase in population figures.

The current population figure of Osun state is estimated to be around 5,521,901.

Osun State Population Density

Greater parts of Osun state are occupied by people who are engaged in economic activities.

Despite, the large landmass of the state, most parts of the state are urban and semi urban centers.

In Osun state, persons living in the state are well spread across the entire state.

Thus, making the population density of Osun state at 433.4 p/kmĀ².

This is the number of persons living in particular areas of Osun state.

Population of Osogbo

Osogbo population is currently put at 730,529. The city is the capital of Osun state.

It is the most populated town in Osun state. The city, houses two local council, Osogbo local council and Olorunda local council.

The good number of population of persons living in Osogbo are civil servants, students and traders.

Osogbo population is estimated to be on continuous growth as economic growth and investments is fast rising in the city and attracting movement into the town.

Towns With Highest Population in Osun State

Below is the list of most populous towns in Osun state.

These are towns that has the highest/ largest population in Osun state.

They are also the major cities in Osun state, Nigeria.

  • Osogbo
  • Ile Ife
  • Ilesa
  • Ede
  • Modakeke

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