Current Price of Crate of Beer, Malt & Soft Drinks in Nigeria
Alcohol and beverage consumption in Nigeria is very high. This may be as a result of her teeming population. This article is a review of the current price of bottle drinks such as beer,malt,minerals in Nigeria.
Despite the introduction of canned and plastic (pet) stored drinks in Nigeria, bottled drinks and beverages are still very popular and in high demand.
Find out the price of creates of bottle drinks in Nigeria like price of creates of beers drinks in Nigeria.
In most rural areas of Nigeria, beverages and drinks stored in glass bottles are the most acceptable drinks for occasions such as funeral and wedding rites.
Also, the advantage of higher volume of bottled drinks over canned drinks may also be another factor why most Nigerians still embrace bottled beer and other drinks.
Because of the popularity and high demand, we will be discussing the price of crates of beer in Nigeria as well as crate of malt price in Nigeria.
Also, we will not be forgetting trying to find how much is the price of crate of bottle soft drinks (Coca-Cola).
Prices of Bottle Beer and Malt Drinks
Specifically, in this article, we will be talking about the price of Heineken beer, Hero beer, Life beer and other popular beer drinks in Nigeria.
Also the price of crate of Guinness stout and malt in Nigeria will form part of this write up.
Price of Crate of Heineken Beer in Nigeria
The current price of bottle Heineken beer in Nigeria ranges between N5500 – N6000 per crate.
It usually comes in 12 bottles of 60CL per crate. During festive period, the price of crate of Heineken in Nigeria usually shoot up and can sell for as high as N6000.
This is the wholesale price of crate of Heineken in Nigeria.
Current Price of Crate of Hero Beer in Nigeria
A crate of 12 60CL bottles of Hero beer in Nigeria is currently sold between N4000 to N4200.
The price for can Hero beer is currently sold between N5600 to N6000. It comes in 24 can pieces.
Price of Crate of Life Beer in Nigeria
Life beer is almost same price as Hero beer. The current price of a 12 60Cl bottles of Life beer is between N4000 to N4200.
This is the wholesale price for crate of Life beer in Nigeria.
How Much is Price of Crate of Guinness Stout in Nigeria
The current price of Guinness stout popularly called small stout is between N7000 to N7500 per crate.
This is how much crate of Guinness stout is sold in Nigeria. It comes in 24 bottles per crate.
The Current Price of Crate of Coca Cola Bottle in Nigeria
Coca cola bottle which usually come in 24 bottle of 35CL is currently sold at price range of between N2000 to N2100 per crate of bottle coca cola.
Price of Crate of Gulder Beer in Nigeria
The price range of between N4500 to N4800 is what a crate of Gulder beer is currently sold across Nigeria. This price of Gulder beer is for 12 60CL bottles of Gulder beer.
Price of Crate of Budweiser Beer in Nigeria
Budweiser beer is very popular in Nigeria and is fast selling too.
The current price of crate of Budweiser is between N5500 to N5800. It also comes in 12 60CL bottles.
Price of Crate of Malt in Nigeria
There are many malt drinks in Nigeria and each of these malt drink comes with different and specific prices.
Price of crate Guinness malt bottle is around N4000 while crate of dubic malt, Beta malt and grand malt is around N3300 to N3500 per crate.
Price of the Crate of Amstel malt in Nigeria is also same with price of Guinness malt with crates at around N3400 to N3700.
Please how much is pet beta malt and grand malt per cartoon?
I couldn’t confirm at this time sorry,but I will find out
How can I get Heineken or life chairs and tables for my bar
These chairs are given by these companies to their customers for continues patronage