Rivers State Population & People (2024)

Population of Rivers State

The population of Rivers state is currently estimated at 9,567,892 according to reliable population directory, population.city.

Population of Rivers state

The population of Rivers state is estimated to be growing at average of 2.96% annually.

As at last Nigeria population census in 2006, Rivers State Population was put at 5,198,716.

Rivers state sits on an area of 21,850 sq. km. It is a highly multi ethnic state with different ethnic groups occupying different parts and terrain of the state.

The population of Rivers state is one of largest in Nigeria coming behind, Lagos and Kano state.

Port Harcourt, the Rivers state capital is one of the major commercial hubs in Nigeria.

It is among the top 5 most populated cities in Nigeria.

The capital of River state, Port Harcourt is constantly referred to as garden city.

Rivers state is predominantly occupied by Ikweres, Ijaws, Etche, Ogonis and Igbos.

Also there is a significant number of Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba people residing in the state especially at the capital.

All these are parts of groups and residents that contributes to the teeming population of Rivers state.

Population of Port Harcourt 2023

The current population of Port Harcourt is estimated at 5,171,000.

This is a 4.99% growth rate. It is the fifth most populous city in Nigeria and is third most beautiful city in Nigeria after Lagos and Abuja.

Port Harcourt population is projected to reach 15,499,000 by the year 2035.

The city houses two local councils, Obiakpor Local government area and Port Harcourt local government area.

Rivers State Postal Code

River state and Port Harcourt postal code is 500001.

The state has 23 local councils. The state accounts for more than 40%Nigeria’s crude production.

The population of Rivers state and it’s capital Port Harcourt is projected to continue witnessing higher growth as immigration into the state continues.

Some of the major immigrants into Rivers state which contributes to its increase in population and growth are those in search of jobs and employment opportunities as well as businessmen.

Rivers State Population: Overview

In the year 2006, when the last official population census was conducted in Nigeria, Rivers state has inhabitants of about 5,198,716.

Of this population, people aged 15 to 64 years made up of 60% of the total population.

Port Harcourt LGA and Obio-Akpor LGA has the highest number of population among all local councils in Rivers state.

Also, Omuma LGA and Ogu-Bolo has the lowest number of population among local councils areas in Rivers.

The major occupation of Rivers state people are Agriculture, commerce and with a good number in the Civil service.

Data from National Bureau of Statistics showed that the population of Rivers state accounts for 4% of total Nigeria’s population.

Over 58% population of Rivers state are literate.

Thus, represents the highest by single state among states in South South geo political zone of Nigeria.

The population of Rivers state is highly significant as it is one of Nigerian’s richest state and as such it will be worth knowing the population of people in Rivers state and these are people who directly or indirectly partakes in the share of treasury of one of Nigerian’s richest state.

Also, with planned upcoming nation population census, we hope more realistic and reliable figures and datas can be established as regards to the population of Rivers state and it’s capital, population of people living in Port Harcourt.


The Author

Emmanuel Igwenagu

Igwenagu Emmanuel is the founder of Nigerian Informer. He holds B.A, M.Sc in Mass Communication. He is a Communication researcher and 112 emergency help line dispatcher.

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