ABU Zaria Postgraduate School Fees (2024)

Ahmadu Bello University School Fees for MSc, PhD & PGD

Ahmadu Bello University , popularly called ABU is one of the best universities for Postgraduate studies for students around Northern Nigeria and neighboring states.

Abu Postgraduate School Fees

Majority of Postgraduate students in Kaduna state enroll into Postgraduate studies at ABU for some reasons which includes, proximity, tuition and duration.

An important factor considered before enrolling for PG studies at ABU Zaria is the school fees for various programmes like M.Sc, Ph.D and PGD.

So, get ready to find out the current ABU Zaria M.Sc, Ph.D and PGD school fees.

Also, ABU, Zaria is among few universities in north that offer Postgraduate studies across both science and art courses unlike some universities which are purely universities of Technology.

Aside proximity and duration of PG program at ABU Zaria, most prospective students of PG Studies who intend to enroll into ABU are always in demand to find amount paid for MSc, PhD and PGD school fees at Ahmadu Bello University.

This is the major information that will be provided in this article. Postgraduate School Fees for ABU, Zaria is very significant among prospective students.

This is because it helps them to plan ahead of time for the program as well as know what estimate budget for the program will amount to.

Now lets go straight and talk about Ahmadu Bello University MSc school fees, ABU PhD and PGD school fees.

Also to be inserted in this post is ABU Postgraduate acceptance fee.

ABU Postgraduate Acceptance Fee

Ahmadu Bello University Postgraduate acceptance fee is pegged at N50,000.

This is non refundable fee paid by students in comfirmation of acceptance of offer of admission into ABU PG school.

This amount for Ahmadu Bello University PG acceptance fee is flat for both MSc, PhD and PGD students.

ABU Postgraduate School Fees

School fees of Ahmadu Bello University is paid according to Postgraduate program being undertaken.

Below is the details of Ahmadu Postgraduate School Fees currently.

Ahmadu Bello University PGD School Fees

Postgraduate diploma is one of the PG programs offered and undertaken at Ahmadu Bello university.

The PGD school fees at ABU is pegged at N405,000 for total fees and program duration.

The program is billed to run for two sections. It is also important to state that extra tuition might arise if the student spend time outside the stipulated duration of the program.

Duration For ABU PGD Program

The question of how long does Postgraduate diploma (PGD) last at ABU Zaria is a reoccurring one.

Duration for Ahmadu Bello University PGD program is slated for 18 months. The program is scheduled to run for four (4) semesters.

Ahmadu Bello University MSc School Fees

Ahmadu Bello University masters degree school fees is pegged at N455,000 for students of arts while science students of ABU MSc pay around N510,000 for the program.

However, extra cost and pays might arise if the student stays beyond the stipulated time for the program.

This is the current and how much ABU Zaria Master’s degree school fees costs.

Duration For ABU MSc Program

The question of how long masters degree (MSc) lasts at ABU, Zara will be answered in this segment of the article.

Duration for ABU MSc is 18 months. The program is scheduled to run not less than four semesters and not more than eight semesters.

Ahmadu Bello University PhD School Fees

How Much PhD student pays at Ahmadu Bello University as school fees will be provided here. PhD school fees at ABU is estimated to be around N700,750.

This PhD school fees at ABU is also relative and depends on course of study. Extra duration spent outside the stipulated time for the program might incur extra charges and tuition.

This is the school fees for Doctor of Philosophy degree at Ahmadu Bello University.

Duration For ABU PhD Program

Duration For PhD at ABU, Zaria is strictly followed and adhered to.

Duration for PhD at ABU is 3 calendar years minimum and 5 calendar years maximum for full-time.

For part time, the program is scheduled to last 3 calendar years minimum and 6 calendar years maximum.


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