Cost of Bamboo Sticks & Poles in Nigeria

Bamboo sticks are very useful in Nigeria especially for house and building construction.

It is one of the most sought after economic trees in Nigeria and has a high market value too. Bamboo is a very unique tree which grows in pole like shape.

Many farmers intentionally invest in bamboo planting as result of its economic benefits.

Apart from being used as scaffold in building construction, bamboo is also used for farming, energy etc.

This is why the price of bamboo sticks in Nigeria is on a continuous rise. This article will seek to review the price of bamboo poles in Nigeria.

This is because it is one of the most used building construction equipments for upstairs buildings.

It is important to note that the cost price of bamboo sticks in Nigeria is relative and some factors determines the final price of bamboo poles in Nigeria.

So, if your have any reason to buy bamboo poles or sticks especially in large quantities, this post will give you a clue of how much you will be spending on buying bamboo poles in Nigeria.

Price of Bamboo Poles & Sticks in Nigeria

How much price Bamboo poles cost is mostly likely to be determined by your location among other factors.

However,the average cost of Bamboo Poles in Nigeria is N700 irrespective of your location.

In some part of Nigeria, Bamboo sticks cost about N500 while in other parts of the country especially location with scarcity, bamboo poles price could go as high as N900.

There are certain major factors that determines the final price of bamboo sticks in Nigeria.

Here are some of the factors that decides the cost of Bamboo for scaffold in Nigeria.


Certain parts of Nigeria and city has easy access to Bamboo plantation,hence the poles are easily sourced.

This can also affect the price Bamboo poles are sold in those locations. However, certain parts of Nigeria are affected by scarcity of bamboo poles especially in top cities.

Most Bamboo poles sold there are transported from available locations and this affects how much bamboo poles cost in those locations.

The size of Bamboo

The size of Bamboo is one of the determining factors in the price of Bamboo Poles. Bamboo Poles of larger sizes tends to cost more than those of smaller sizes.

These large sized bamboo are used for building construction such as forming of decking and scaffolding.

The are strong enough to withhold pressure which emanates from the building construction when in use

The Length of Bamboo

This is another factor sellers of bamboo in Nigeria especially in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt consider before fixing their price of Bamboo poles.

Bamboo sticks of very high length are sold at higher price compared to those of shorter length.

This is because the length of bamboo poles is factors in its use especially in building construction.

They are alternatives to metal scaffold and are cheaper to use and dismantled. Also, they can easily be sold out after use for energy purposes as well.


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