Cost Of Getting Police Clearance Certificate In Nigeria (2025)

As the rate of migration out Nigeria continues to grow, one of the basic requirements for the process is police clearance certificate or report.

cost of obtaining police clearance certificate

With the high surge of terrorism and frauds around the world, the importance of police clearance certificate is becoming a very key requirement for intending travelers and immigrants.

Police clearance certificate or report is certification that the holder is of good character and has no crime history so enormous to impede his or her travel having conducted a thorough background checks.

Most first time travelers are hardly aware of this requirement until when they get into the process of processing their travels.

As result of their lack of adequate knowledge of police clearance certificate, they often get ripped off either by third parties who might have been contracted to help procure the certificate.

In this article, Nigerian Informer will be discussing the cost of obtaining a police clearance certificate in Nigeria. This information will be helpful to intending travelers and migrants.

What Is The Cost Of Police Character Clearance Certificate In Nigeria?

The Nigeria police have officially peg or cap the cost of police character clearance certificate and report in Nigeria at N40,000.

Our investigation showed that before now,  different individuals have gotten the police character report at the cost of between N3500 to N15000.

The cost of acquiring police clearance certificate varies depending on one’s location and police district applied with.

There has been scenario where applicants paid even higher as confirmed to Nigerian Informer by an applicant who pleased anonymity. He noted that he paid N65,000 to get his police clearance certificate in Lagos Nigeria.

Need For Police Clearance Certificate

As part of safety measures, most countries require intending and incoming immigrants to tender police clearance certificate to show evidence of thorough background checks and crime status of holder.

The essence of these certification is to ensure that fugitives, terrorists and people with enormous crime history are not allowed in by countries of destination. It also shows that the intending traveler is of good character.

How To Apply For Police Clearance Certificate In Nigeria

Poor attitude to work in Nigeria public service places so much stress and delays in obtaining police clearance certificate.

There are multiple ways to apply and get police clearance certificate in Nigeria. The following are some of the ways of applying and obtaining the certification.

Applying In Person At State Police Headquarters

One of the easiest and best ways to apply for police clearance certificate in Nigeria is to visit police headquarters within your state.

In most state police headquarters, the police clearance is handled by Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Upon arriving at the police CID unit, you will be required to make certain payments and form for the application will issued to applicant to fill and affix his or her passport to the form.

After this, the clearance will be processed and issued same day depending on the number of applicants available for the day.

Applying Online

One can as well apply for police clearance certificate online at Nigeria police website. With access to internet and good device, an applicant can access and apply by filling out online application.

During online application, your basic documents like passport, ID and international passport should be scanned as they will be uploaded during the process.

Upon completion of the online application, applicant is expected to print out the form and submit at police CID headquarters for fingerprint analysis and other vetting. It could take between 5 to 10 days to get police clearance when applying online.


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