Supplements for Gaining Weight in Nigeria

This write up will discuss best supplements for gaining or adding weight in Nigeria.

Best supplements for weight gain in Nigeria

Supplements for gaining weight works to provide required nutrients which might not be contained in our meals.

Food supplements contains different minerals and nutrients which are usually contained in the food we eat.

But weight gain supplements works to complement our foods and diet and help improve our body mass.

Often times, after sickness or ills, weight gain supplements are recommended by physicians for overall recovery and weight gain.

It is important to note that supplements for gaining weights in Nigeria must be prescribed by medical personnel before usage.

This is because, unregulated intake of supplements for weight gain has side effects.

This post will provide the best supplements for weight gain in Nigeria.

Below are the supplements that can make one add weight fast in Nigeria.

Supplements for Fast Weight Gain in Nigeria

Read on lets show you best supplements for gaining weight in Nigeria.

These supplements must however be taken according to prescription of physician or medical expert though.

Amino 3000

This is one of the highly used weight gain supplements in Nigeria.

It is very popular multivitamin which has been adjudged to be a good supplement for weight gain in Nigeria.

The major component of this supplement according to many online sources is amino acid.

It also gives the the body some needed nutrients essential for gaining weight.


Appeton is another very good weight gain supplement that work well too.

It contains numerous nutrients which help improve body weight.

It is high in protein which provides tissue growth and improvement.

It is another top supplement that can help one gain weight and add more pounds of weight fast.

Optimum Nutrition Mass Gainer Protein Powder

This weight supplement in Nigeria is one of the bests around. It supply protein and calories the body seeks to grow and improve.

It is a good supplement for people seeking to gain weight in natural ways in Nigeria.


Apetamin Syrup contains vitamins and other body tissue growth nutrients such as amino acid.

It as well improves appetite which can made user eat more and good.

Apetamin has been noted to contain lysine and cyproheptadine hydrochloride all these Apetamin contents help improve weight gain.

It is a supplement that help one add weight effectively.

Universal Nutrition Bunto Blood and Weight Gain Tonic

This is another supplement that is fit for gaining weight and body mass.

The syrup is specially prepared to provide the body with vital nutrients needed to gain weight.

It is a good weight gain supplement for those recovering from sickness and other ailments who want to add some kilos and pounds.

Cypri Gold

Cypri Gold is supplement for gaining weight especially among women.

It is good and strong weight adding supplements that contains basic vitamins and nutrients for body and tissue growth.

Cypri Gold help slim people or those who lost weight as result of sickness recover some weight.

It is safe to use Cypri Gold provided they are approved by experts in health management.

It one of the best supplements for gaining weight that is available in Nigeria.

Oraxin Syrup

Oraxin Syrup is also another active supplement for gaining weight found in Nigeria.

It is a multivitamin syrup that can serve as supplement that help people gain weight easily.

Oraxin Syrup help user eat better by raising their appetite and eating habit.

It contains basic food nutrients which helps complement diets and improve body mass.

Modern BCAA+ Plus Powder

Modern BCAA Plus Powder is another top performing food supplement for weight gain.

They help in body building through supplying the basic nutrients the body requires to improve and grow.

Online sources shows that Modern BCAA Plus Powder comes in different flavours and user can choose the desired flavour.

Many user has attested to the efficacy of use of the Modern BCAA Plus Powder as supplement in weight gain and improvement.


This write up is not substitute for medical advise or information.

All medical advise and information should be sought from experts and health professionals.

Use of weight gain supplements should be at the advise and recommendations of medical experts and professionals.


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